How Do You Stop A Grease Fire On A Traeger

How Do You Stop A Grease Fire On A Traeger?

How Do You Stop A Grease Fire On A Traeger: To stop a grease fire on a Traeger grill, immediately close the lid, turn off the grill, and disconnect the power source. Do not attempt to move the grill or use water.

Understanding the Causes and Dangers of Grease Fires

Grease fires occur when oil or fat reaches its ignition point and catches fire. The high temperatures used for grilling on a Traeger can easily ignite any built-up grease or oil in the grill’s drip tray or the grill grates. These fires can rapidly spread and become uncontrollable if not dealt with promptly.

How Do You Stop A Grease Fire On A Traeger
Image Source: reddit .com

Steps to Take When a Grease Fire Occurs

When a grease fire occurs on a Traeger grill, it’s crucial to act quickly and take the following steps to ensure your safety and minimize the risk of the fire spreading:

  1. Do not panic: Stay calm and composed. Panic can lead to hasty decisions that may worsen the situation.
  2. Close the lid immediately: Closing the grill’s lid cuts off the oxygen supply, which is necessary for the fire to sustain itself. This action helps to smother the flames and reduce the fire’s intensity.
  3. Turn off the grill and disconnect the power source: Shut off the grill’s burners and unplug it from the power source. This step ensures that the grill doesn’t continue to generate heat or pose an electrical hazard.
  4. Do not attempt to move the grill or open the lid: Moving the grill can cause the fire to spread or result in burns. Opening the lid can introduce oxygen, potentially causing the fire to flare up.
  5. Do not use water: Water should never be used to extinguish a grease fire, as it can cause the fire to splatter and spread. Water can also react with the hot oil, resulting in an explosive reaction.
  6. Assess the situation and call for help if necessary: Evaluate the size and severity of the fire. If you’re unable to safely extinguish it or if it continues to grow, call the fire department immediately.

Remember, safety is paramount when dealing with a grease fire. Following these steps can help prevent the situation from escalating and ensure your well-being.

Using the Right Fire Extinguisher for Grease Fires

When it comes to extinguishing a grease fire on a Traeger grill, using the right type of fire extinguisher is crucial. The best fire extinguisher for grease fires is a Class B or K fire extinguisher. These extinguishers are designed specifically to combat fires caused by flammable liquids and cooking oils. They contain agents that smother the fire and cool down the hot oil, preventing re-ignition.

Safety Measures to Prevent Grease Fires

To prevent grease fires on a Traeger grill, it’s important to implement key safety measures. Regular cleaning is crucial to remove grease and oil buildup from the drip tray and grill grates. Maintaining a moderate cooking temperature and never leaving the grill unattended can minimize the risk of overheating and potential ignition.

How Do You Stop A Grease Fire On A Traeger
Image Source: charbroil .com

Positioning the grill at a safe distance from flammable materials, such as trees or wooden structures, is essential. Lastly, ensure you are prepared by having a working fire extinguisher, specifically a Class B or K extinguisher, readily available near the grill. By following these safety measures, you can significantly reduce the chances of a grease fire and enhance the overall safety of your grilling experience.

How do you stop a grease fire in a smoker?

To stop a grease fire in a smoker, it’s crucial to follow specific steps. Firstly, avoid opening the smoker, as this can introduce oxygen and worsen the fire. Next, turn off the heat source or fuel supply to halt the production of additional heat. If possible, carefully remove any unburned fuel or pellets from the smoker to prevent the fire from spreading. Finally, use a suitable fire extinguisher, such as a Class B or K extinguisher, designed for flammable liquid fires. Aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire and sweep from side to side until the flames are fully extinguished.

How do you put out a grease fire in a pellet smoker?

When faced with a grease fire in a pellet smoker, it’s essential to act swiftly and safely. Avoid opening the smoker, as oxygen can fuel the fire. Turn off the heat source and disconnect the power supply to prevent further heating. Never use water to extinguish a grease fire, as it can cause the fire to spread. Instead, utilize a Class B or K fire extinguisher designed for flammable liquid fires. Aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire and sweep back and forth until the flames are fully suppressed. If the fire persists or grows uncontrollable, evacuate the area and contact the fire department immediately.

Why does my Traeger catch on fire?

There are several reasons why a Traeger grill may catch on fire. One common cause is the accumulation of grease and oil in the drip tray, grill grates, or other components. If not regularly cleaned, this buildup can ignite when exposed to high cooking temperatures. Another potential cause is the presence of a fuel source near the grill, such as a propane tank or flammable materials. Additionally, a malfunctioning component or electrical issue can lead to a fire. To prevent Traeger fires, ensure regular cleaning, maintain safe distances from flammable materials, and promptly address any mechanical or electrical concerns.

How Do You Stop A Grease Fire On A Traeger
Image Source: traeger .com

How do I stop my Traeger from burning back?

Experiencing a Traeger grill burning back, where flames ignite in the hopper or auger tube, can be dangerous. Here are a few steps to prevent or stop a burn back:

  1. Shutdown: Immediately turn off the grill and disconnect the power source to cut off the fuel supply.
  2. Extinguish: If safe to do so, use a Class B or K fire extinguisher to suppress the flames, aiming at the base of the fire and sweeping back and forth until it is extinguished.
  3. Clean and inspect: Thoroughly clean the hopper, auger tube, and fire pot, removing any debris, ashes, or accumulated grease. Inspect for any damaged or malfunctioning parts that may contribute to burn backs.
  4. Address airflow issues: Ensure proper airflow within the grill, including ventilation holes, to prevent the build-up of excess smoke and heat that can lead to burn backs.
  5. Professional assistance: If the burn back issue persists, it is recommended to contact Traeger customer support or a professional technician for further inspection and assistance to resolve the underlying cause.


What’s the first step to stop a grease fire on a Traeger grill?

Close the lid immediately to cut off oxygen supply, extinguishing the flames. This is crucial in preventing the fire from spreading.

Can I use water to put out a grease fire on a Traeger?

No, water can intensify the fire. Never use water on a grease fire. Use a fire extinguisher or baking soda to smother the flames.

How do I use a fire extinguisher to stop a grease fire on a Traeger?

Pull the pin, aim at the base of the flames, squeeze the handle, and sweep side to side. Ensure you have a Class K or B fire extinguisher.

What if the grease fire on my Traeger grill is not extinguished with a fire extinguisher?

Call emergency services immediately. Do not attempt to move the grill or use water. Evacuate the area and prioritize safety.

After stopping a grease fire, when can I use my Traeger grill again?

Wait until the grill cools, inspect for damage, and address any issues. Only use the Traeger again when it’s safe and functioning properly.


Being prepared and knowledgeable about handling grease fires is crucial for anyone using a Traeger grill. By following the steps outlined in this guide and taking preventive safety measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of grease fires and ensure a safe grilling experience. Remember, the key is to remain calm, act swiftly, and prioritize your safety.

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